Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Suicide awareness

Some cold hard facts.....

  • Statistically, every 40 seconds, someone in the world completes suicide
  • That's over 1 million people every year
  • Over the past 45 years, the rates of completed suicide have increased by 60%
  • In Australia, more people die from suicide than they do skin cancers or road related accidents.  It is also the leading cause of death of males under the age of 44, and women under 34. 
  • In the UK, more males die from suicide than they do HIV, road accidents & assaults combined.
  • China has one of the world's most horrifying statistics of 287,000 people dying by suicide annually (with approximately 2 million attempting). And yes, it is the leading cause of death between the ages of 15-34.
  • It has been reported that Lithuania has the highest rate of suicide globally. Alcohol has a lot to do with it, no doubt caused by financial & social issues in the region.
Had enough? Yeah... me too..

What can we do?
TALK!! raise awareness, ask questions and care for your friends & family.  Suicide is preventable IF the suicidal person allows help (they often don't). What we can do is admit that society isn't functioning at peak condition, this is cause for great distress. Hiding or denying the facts do not help anyone. For every completed suicide there are at least 7 people directly effected, greatly. Considering the statistics above, that is a heck of a lot of grieving people out there! Some cope, some do not. 

Does it matter when people take their own lives?
You bet it does! It might be their "choice" in that particular moment however, it is never a moment where things are logical or clear. We have all had that moment where we cannot see a way out of our troubles, in the eye of the suicidal this becomes reality. 

Wednesday May 29th is wear white to work day - in memory and support of those affected by suicide.

Want to read more?
More info on wearing white to work on May 29

The World Health Organisation on suicide
International Suicide Prevention Hotlines

Suicide - warning signs
Bereaved by suicide? Join a supportive group to share your story with others

My story.....
In mid 2009, I lost the absolute love of my life to suicide.
The following two years I lost myself. I'm much better now but the memory is with me every single day.

Life has never been the same since. It never will be. I am a changed woman. Sometimes bitter, often emotional. I have good days and really really shitful days.
Through various support networks I have made some amazing friends and I cannot imagine my life without them.  My eyes have been opened in ways I do not wish upon others.
Today? It is as it is. I still do not understand how this happened in my life but I accept that it did. I am grateful for amazing friends.  
I do wonder about falling in love with the 'wrong' people. Do certain folk do that? Are some people attracted to those they cannot save? to those they cannot have? Personally, I don't have the answers, I never regret my time with my beloved, not for one minute. I miss him every day.

Support your loved ones today and every day. x

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