Monday, 19 August 2013


what do you do when you have had e-fucking-nough?

seriously at the end of your tether, sick of the mundane existence of the rat race?

does your every waking moment feel like a monday morning?

thank FUCK for that glass of wine at the end of yet another day, which meant nothing to your soul but earned you another dollar so you could afford to eat and pay your mortgage (but for what?).

what do you do when you are out of reasons to get up the next morning?

or when you wonder what ailment could land you in hospital so that you get a break from the groundhog day? 

what if you don't want to die but you don't care to live?

what if you feel you are too old, too fat, too ugly, too stupid, too pathetic, too much and yet nothing all at the same time? 

what happens next? 

what if your expectations of what you thought life would be are shattered before your eyes? 

what if you are angry but have no outlet? 

what if you have built up so many walls around you that nobody can reach you?

what happens when you can no longer drag your bones out of your bed?

what if you long for love but don't allow it?

what if he never died?

what if you never got thin?

what if depression didn't exist?

what if someone could just turn up and hold you?

what if nobody ever does?

what if your screams fall on deaf ears?

what if nobody notices? if nobody hears?

what if we were allowed to be cats? or dogs?

what if society could fuck the fuck off?

what if tomorrow never comes?

Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis

1 comment:

? said...

*hugs* I'm with you.