RUOK is an Australian not for profit organisation founded by Gavin Larkin in 2009.
Gavin's dad completed suicide in 1995 and it was his goal to get people back in touch with each other. Gavin, like his dad also suffered with depression. He was a successful man, happily married with 3 kids. Sadly, Gavin passed away in 2011 after a battle with cancer. He was 42. His years were short but his message is strong.
So often, especially with social media, we forget to have those meaningful conversations with people in our lives. September 12 is the day allocated to remind us to check in with each other. Not just on this day but regularly.
I feel awkward asking someone if they are OK...
You don't need to be a mental health professional to ask the question! You can be a friend, a family member, a work colleague, a fellow human! If you sense something is up, it is perfectly alright to be honest with someone. You don't need to solve their problems, you just need to listen.
Will it really make a difference if I ask such a simple question?
YES!! When we are feeling low, we sometimes do not feel able to put our hand up and say 'I need help', let alone know who or where to turn for it. Some people feel too proud to admit to feeling bad. It can be so refreshing to feel noticed and heard! Imagine if you are that one person that listened and saved a life. Truly, this is how it works!
Alright, you are feeling like you can do this. So.... Just how do I ask someone if they are OK? It's not like I can just blurt it out....
How awesome is that! It is THAT easy!!
You may however get a better response if you ask someone away from other people's prying ears. Not everyone wants their troubles obvious, voiced and discussed with the population en mass.

You don't need to all uber serious and channel your inner Dr Phil either. You can have a joke, talk about goals/dreams, make plans, ask about home life, hobbies, favourite things (bands, TV shows, colours, parks, shops, animals, people, food, time of the day).
It's not my problem/business. So why is this so important?
Globally the World Health Organisation tells us that every 40 seconds someone completes suicide. We are talking over ONE MILLION LIVES LOST PER YEAR! Seriously! This is FUCKED!
They also tell us that up to ten people are affected by this. I, like others, would say it is more than that. Survivors need support also.
It is important because life IS hard and we are all in this TOGETHER. We can get through hard times and we can enjoy fun times.
Statistics in Australia tell us that:• Suicide is the leading cause of death for men under the age of 44 yrs
• Suicide is the leading cause of death for women under the age of 34 yrs• The population death rates are around 10/100,000 people every year
• Annual number of deaths by suicide has changed little over the last two decades remaining plateaued at around 2,300 each year
• 65,000 plan or attempt to take their life each year
• 400,000 people think about taking their life each year
• The Global Burden of Disease Report cited 36 million years of healthy life were lost as a result of suicide in 2010
Why is it important to me?
In 2009, when RUOK was launched, I lost my fiance to suicide. When this foundation was launched I was NOT OK. IAfter an extended period of shock, I was crying those first hard, deep, confused, scared and lost tears that we all do in the grief process. Suicide grief is not the same as normal grief. There is stigma, taboo and apprehension from those around us. It was not long after this date that I checked myself in to a psychiatric ward for more help. I was lucky. I was strong enough to ask for extra help. I am lucky and appreciative of this strength and awareness. It wasn't always this way for me. Through my experience I have shared some amazing experiences with other survivors of a love one lost to suicide and those that have attempted themselves. When I thought nobody could or would understand I was blessed to meet people that did. I run a support group for those bereaved by suicide here at Never.Another.You It is a private small and supportive group on facebook where survivors can share their stories, their sorrows and their victories.
If you are in crisis please contact a local emergency support service.
*If I haven't covered your area, I am sorry. You can google these contacts easily! Help is out there
Please feel free to add support networks in the comment section!
Please feel free to add support networks in the comment section!
Thank you for writing this blog post. I appreciate you sharing your experiences, particularly the significant time of 2009. I will be keeping R U OK? Day in mind tomorrow. Bianca, Qld.
As a member of 'Never Another You' and another person bereaved by suicide, I can say that you have been an inspiration to many and although we have not met in person we have shared so much. xo
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