Tuesday, 28 October 2014

you say you want a revolution, yeah well you know, we all wanna change the world....

This is about more than the average mondayitis...

The 9-5 (in my case 8-5 but who is counting hours?) is a fucking drag!  The daily grind of the same old faces (some I adore but most I do not), the same old problems, complaints, drama & lies, lies, lies.  The same old joys that get you through the day, the laughs with friends and the love from the animals.  Come home to the television, it's been designed to dumb you down, numb your mind & keep you distracted.  Go for a walk, look at the sky, dare to dream of freedom.  This is life.  And yeah.. it could be a crap load worse but honestly.. IS.THIS.IT??  Have you been caught asking yourself this question?  I go through cycles of really being disheartened by the roles and rules that we humans play out.  

This isn't about getting a new job or changing the routine or getting out of the house or meeting new people. No! This is about changing something much much bigger than that.  It's not even about me or you, it is about us.  The global us and the lies and the manipulation that is forced down our throats every fucking day!

What am I rambling about?

Debt.  We've all got it.  We all spend our lives trying to pay it back. To be honest, I don't see my days being debt free and in part I think, who cares?  I can take my debts to my grave, then what?  Funny how we spend our lives trying to clear it though right? What you have is an illusion that your weekly pay packet teases you with. Money really is the biggest load of shit that Man ever invented!  The fat cats own it, all of it.  They will tell you we need to tighten our belts and then in the very next breath, they are spending gazillions on themselves.

Environmental threats.  Global warming is a fact.  The Amazon is being raped daily.  You can read more about that here.  How the hell we think that we are going to sustain our current lifestyles within the current climate is beyond me.  The planet is not happy yet we continue to disrespect it constantly (take a minute to think about the products you are endorsing by purchasing them, think about where they came from & who died for them).

Governments.  Do you honestly believe they are in charge? That they make the decisions? We are governed by corporations and money, the politicians are just the faces of the system. They lie to us every day and we accept it because we don't understand it and we don't know how to change it.  It was people like David Icke and Michael Moore that opened my eyes to the bullshit. Who opened your eyes?  And what do you think about how the power operates?

The Joneses.  You have to keep up with them right?  Once upon a time, 'The Joneses' were your neighbours.  You knew them (from a distance), they always had the perfect lawns and new cars.  Today it is keeping up with the Kardashians. What the fuck!!? It seems like social media creates Joneses in all of us.  So called reality television kind of does the same thing.  They make us want to have crap we don't need and be people we don't really deep down, don't want to be.

Personally, I find modern life to be one big fat old lie.  I don't have much faith or interest in it.  And yeah, ok, I wont lie to you, I have been known to love a ridiculously overpriced outfit BUT I am fully aware that it is irrelevant to my long term happiness.  Thus far, life has thrown me many a curve ball to remind me of what I truly want.  Maybe we want the same things, maybe we don't.  The point is that we are TRUE to what we want and don't give in.  I, like you, have given in and sacrificed my own truth (in the interest of pleasing other humans) and while it might have made them happy it sure as shit didn't do much for me.  I'm not preaching selfishness but rather endorsing honesty. I would be insulted if you did something against your truth to make me happy.  Do you think your nearest and dearest hold that view?

I am nobody in the bigger picture and I know that. All this is, is a woman and her laptop with rants about changing the world, my world, and your world but at the end of the day I wont change anything.  I'm not saying anything new but I do long for a revolution on a major scale.  I want things to change for all of us because we (the global we) are not happy.  I know I cannot save or change the world but I have to start somewhere and maybe that somewhere is my own personal revolution?  Maybe I will trigger you to think about your truth as I trigger myself to do the same thing in my own life.

Can you start your own revolution?

What would it look like?

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