Thursday, 12 May 2016

12/ words & phrases

Two words/phrases that make me laugh.....

Apart from yesterday's "slutty crisp" meme, I don't think there is specifically any words/phrases that crack me up.  It is always about timing & tone. Right?

I do however have favourite words and I love Latin phrases.  

I am particularly fond of the word 'defongerate' (thank you to my dear late Pa) which means (in his words) 'to fuck off quickly'.

And being the nerd that I proudly am, I have an app of Latin phrases.
My favourite phrase being 'per ardua ad astra' which translates to 'from adversity to the stars'.  This phrase I have tattooed on my left inside wrist to remind me that when things are at their worst there can be (and will) a silver lining because great things can be produced out of a crisis.


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