It is quite paradoxical that my return to the blog is under the title of "5 problems with social media". I have taken a major step away from social media over the past six months. Living alone and being a bit of a loner means that I don't see friends as often as they or I would probably like. Sometimes social media felt like I was out and about in the world but I found that time offline meant that I actually spoke to those close to me more often rather than them just "liking" a post. I also wonder if it kept me awake when I would check it at night when I would go through my bouts of insomnia.
- 1/ The constant, in your face, screaming for attention (aka 'likes"). Do people actually live such dramatic/exciting lives or is it all just for show? Personally I find it to be a drainer.
- 2/ The need to check what is going on online (or post online) can border on obsessive and inhibits quality time spent in the real world.... doing things one actually enjoys (or needs to do).
- 3/ May encourage a false sense of importance and by that I mean... self esteem can be effected (at both ends of the scale) depending on number of friends/likes/interactions and so on.
- 4/ The feeling that you are 'in' someone's life when really you are just commenting on what they are doing rather than being involved 'with' them. Sometimes it is just 'easier' to sit on the couch and communicate electronically rather than making an effort.
- 5/ Psychologists will tell you that children who use social media have higher rates of depression & anxiety. In adults, I wonder if we put down our phones and didn't check in for a week, would there also be anxious feelings that would arise?
While all of this sounds uber negative, I don't think social media is all bad. I have made some amazing friends online, I also get to see what my overseas friends are up to. I get to follow pages that keep me up to date with issues I am interested in and I get to share my musings.
Take from it what you like. There are pros and there are cons but all in all, like most things, moderation is probably key. What do you think? How do you use social media? How does social media impact your life?.....
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